EBRU Inc. (https://www.ebru.jp/) is going to participate “Women’s leadership in designing social innovation: mutual learning in the Asia-Pacific” project with the Designing Social Innovation in Asia-Pacific (DESIAP) and Kogei.net.
EBRU Inc. participates this project to take further steps to present and solve the problems of the art industry in Japan.
EBRU Inc. is a company whose members have a background as female artists who graduated from the “Kogei” department of Kanazawa College of Art and started their own business to solve the economic and social problems of the art industry in Japan.
Even though Japan boasts one of the world’s largest number of art universities and museums, Japan’s share of the global art market is only 3.7% [Source: Agency for Cultural Affairs, “Market Research on the Japanese Art Industry”].
This data clearly shows that it is very difficult to make a living as an artist in Japan. Many artists continue to work while balancing their creative activities with their jobs, and finding time for creative activities is a major financial and physical burden for artists.
EBRU Inc. is developing an earphone brand called “EARMIND” that specializes in artistry to solve this problem. This is a new approach to art for a society where you can have a young artist or a small workshop create artwork and combine it with earphones to enjoy art, music, and fashion.
By developing artworks such as earphones that can be used daily, even Japanese users who do not regularly purchase artworks can incorporate art into their lives.
Through participation in this project, EBRU Inc. would like to explore whether this innovative method can be developed in Japan and Southeast Asia, and the world.
DESIAP is a project entrusted to many members’ free ideas and high independence, and EBRU Inc. feels that it is challenging and has great potential as to what kind of co-creation will be created in this project.
To drastically solve the problem of the art industry in Japan, it is necessary to think from multiple perspectives. DESIAP is a place where members from various backgrounds gather, and each member makes activities and presentations based on free thinking.
We hope that this will give new impetus to the activities of EBRU, Inc. and that co-creation beyond national borders will be born.

アーティストメンバーで構成される㈱EBRUがDESIAPの“Women’s leadership in designing social innovation: mutual learning in the Asia Pacific”プロジェクトに参画
DESIAP(The Designing Social Innovation in Asia-Pacific)が主導する、社会的革新をデザインするための女性のリーダーシップ、またアジア太平洋地域における相互理解を促進するためのプロジェクト“Women’s leadership in designing social innovation: mutual learning in the Asia Pacific”に株式会社EBRU(https://www.ebru.jp/)が参画しております。