Liliana Morais has a B.A. in Archaeology from the University of Lisbon (2007), an M.A. in Japanese Studies from the University of São Paulo (2014), and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Tokyo Metropolitan University (2019). Her research focuses on the intersections between art, traditional crafts, transnational mobility, and cultural imaginings by employing methods of qualitative, ethnographic, cross-cultural, and comparative research with an emphasis in Japan. Recently, she has been interested in the potential of craft-related grassroots activities for rural revitalization and sustainable development. She is the author of the book Ceramics in Cunha: 40 years of a noborigama kiln in Brazil (2016), published in Portuguese by the Cunha Ceramics Cultural Institute (ICCC).
Recent work and publication:
Morais, L. (2020). Spicing up a 150-year-old porcelain factory: Art, Localism, and Transnationalism in Arita’s Happy Lucky Kiln. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 29 (1), 52-73. DOI:
Morais, L. (2019). Traditional Japanese Arts and Crafts: Historical and Political Trajectories from the Meiji Period until Today. Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies, 11, 139-146. DOI: doi/10.15068/00154867
Morais, L. (2015). Two Japanese women ceramists in Brazil: identity, culture, and representation. Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies, 7, 201-212. DOI: doi/10.15068/00124638.
アーティストのニューノーマルを考える (2020年12月18〜20日):
Instagram page focused on transnational Japanese culture and crafts